Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Inaugural message

this is my 3rd blog... i lost all my previous blogs' passwords. well its time i start afresh anyways. ha after several hours of trial and error, i actually managed to track down one of my blogs and its blog address ( haha just reading it made me rofl man, those were the days i really cherished and wished i could experience them once more.
Well i remember my english teacher forcing us all to keep a journal back then, well of course sometimes when we're busy it sucks to write. But in the long run, it really brings good old memories and laughter just reading those blog entries which you probably wrote like some 3 years ago. Sometimes it even feels as if you're experiencing them once again! hoho although there are times when i use my blog to flame my friends haha. (Saiful was one of my victims hoho)
Well to sum it all up, i just hope i remember the password for my new current blog and save me the trouble of creating a new one damn it lol.

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