Made so many new friends and got to know those friends in my class so much better. It's been an everyday routine for us to all hang out at 'OURSPACE' right after school Dotaing and csing ha. Even during classs some of us CS LOL. okay yea Poly life is kinda slacky for now.. We've a few projects but their not too difficult to complete. Love the 10 mins breaks, thats when we normally stock ourselves up with that OISHI GARLIC BREAD SNACK WHICH Taste SO friGGIN GOOD!!. Then luckily for me, i made friends wif those sugar daddies in class who constantly bring sweets so i'll never be affected by fatigue! haha everyone is like so Enthu la, just that day we celebrated Nicki's birthday.. WE got to smash his face with a choc icce cream cone haha. Got his shirt a lil dirty hoho. Then we actually did a cheer for him in the school lift hahaha with a lecturer inside LOL. Great moment man.. great moment.. Then when we got off the lift and made our way to the lobby, we ended wif a mega outcry of 'woooooooooo' and whistles. We were damn Noisy and united!
man i just feeel so happy blogging about my these stuffs!
okay then we had net group on friday nite ha. This week's net was way better than last week, every1 was like opening up. Perhaps we all had a great week=)
haha our net's lacking some sort of praise and worship segment i feel ha, kinda dry at beginning lol.
Hmm then today ah, i wenta swimm at 4. i actually tried racing those kids wearing pyjamas and lost man shit...
But.. that was because my lane was bombarded with other kids blockin the darn way.
You Guys should check out this Song 'I will remember you' By Ryan cabrera!! really rox my socks!
well anyway back to my life story,.. oh yea Sam's op postpone to 10 may hehe, bet he felt really relieved when he was informed his op was postponed. haha will continue to pray for him=]
yea suppose to go edge today, but i wenta celebrate my Ah ma's birthday=]
ha she's like 78 or 79 now man. Long LIVE Phua Siew KENG! (that's her name LOL)
Bonded wif my cousins man LOve them so0 much! Lol arghh that randy kept jumping on my back when i was lying on the floor and he weighs like 40 kg ouch man. and my other cousin is like 40 kg as well and all they do is jump on my back over and over again. screw them. haha jkin.
Havent really seen my relatives for a few mths now, was kinda cool seeing them once again=)
here's a pic of the grand children (discluding desiree cause she was too short and my sis who went hong kong LOl) Sorry for the bad graphics, my phone sucks man.
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