Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What this world needs now...

wooo holidays ROCK!!!!!!!! not....
damn man its like the only thing i can think of to do is jam/ball/exercise...
Life's too short to occupy my time doing these 3 activities over and over again. WHat i need to do is venture out !! i need to perform live in the clubs of orchard, built a rep out there! but how do i go about doin that???? hmm

Ive been covering several songs on tube but not shiok la i want to perform live man..
haha speakin of which..
Last friday when i met saiful ahh haha i did sumthin pretty gutsy i wud say. Well saiful dared me to perform live at Block 10 Gm coffee shop there and he was willing to pay me 4 bucks. easy money right so after hesitating for awhile, i actually performed right at the middle of the coffee shop compound haha. Luckily no1 booed and some old dudes at the side actually applauded and cheered haha.

i think i wuda been damn embarrassed and demoralized had sum1 booed at that moment of time haha. well i performed unchained melody haha hopin that it'd appeal to the old dudes over there.well glad it did, easy money 4 bucks!

Anyway, i woke up today at like 11+. Then i wenta swim and came back at around 2. ate lunch wif chip then headed for the badminton court. damn yew choong.. couldnt contact him.. bloody handphone wif his sis.. he wasnt at home cause at grandma house.. and his grandma house engaged. Thankfully his mum helped me to call his grandma's hp or sumthin. Cause we booked the court there so u noe we gota reach there on time man. Then at 3.05 we met him while we were on our way to the CC. he just woke up damn it... he rushed to get his rackets and we headed to cc. Played badminton then balled after that. left pretty early.. im having some knee injuries heh. Went home and jammed wif chipmunk then i wenta nap till like 10+. and recorded the covers and yep now im like on msn chatting wif sum pals..
eh i hope tmrw'll be more 'happening' haha.

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