Saturday, December 13, 2008

mannn i really wanted to go church camp... now i feel like a gooon while every1's like talkin bout it in church haha.. i hope they will organize it sumtime after my exams for next year.. but i doubt so, so i'll pray hah. Ever since Dorothy prompted me to speak in tongues and prayed alot bout it, i really feel different spiritually. Esp during praise and worship today, i started to feel this sense of regret for sinning in the past and i actually begged God for forgiveness. Well i really needa have a clear conscience and be guilt free before i can truly worship him u noe.
Edge was awesome as usual and then we wenta orchard after that. Hmm with carisser and her 2 pals, marko, reuben,zan, joyce and her pal and clement. i believed we wenta wisma.. im not too sure myself haha. i really wanted to go home to ball wif chipmunk but then marko kinda called me while i was on the bus and sumhow convinced me to tag along wif him. damn now come to think of it, i really regret how i behaved during our outing.. gahh and the way i teased sum1.... shit....yc shoulda told me earlier..hah
anyway wif that aside, we wenta get carisser's art stuff at taka then we headed to pepper lunch. love the foood tthere.. the cheese with the beef and the rice, great blend man. hmm then we zhao after dinner, wenta catch like 30 secs of live performance at sum local club before the announcer said: "alright this has come to the end of our session" asss! hah then we headed home. Met choon how, huan wei and yc after that at the playground. yea jammed wat else haaha. gota go, have church tmrw..

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