Friday, November 7, 2008

woo yet another week

my,... had the most dryish business elective lecture ever!! i couldnt absorb anything at all lol. just sumhow survived the 3 torturous hours.. Man should i go for the 6 weeks china trip.. hmm, Anyway i wenta lunch at SIM with my poly pals then went for ENPS. lol the lesson ended at 3pm =] 2 hrs earlier hehe. so i chionged homme with JH. jia hui nice guy sia, a friend of his was like also walkin to the bus stop with us and he pang seh his friend just to keep me company haha. what a fella!
Went back home and was just unfortunate for me to meet jun long lol. amazingly we just stood in the middle of the road near cc there and chated for 15 mins all about basketball lol! then shi wei spotted us and forced me to go home take ball and ball wif them. Zidane came along too and folllowed me home to gear up. Then while balling, i heard some1 barking my name from afar, looked around and i saw manda haha. Along with her was bryan and stanley the cycling duo =] Then they came tothe court for awhile to slack off or sumthing. After that i continued to ball with the neighbourhood dudes. Suprisingly Jun long wasnt much of a pain in the arse today=] then around 6.30 pm waited until 7 at the steps but never turn up, haha shuda gone home. was suppose to go net today but i had to complete my project.. darn so spent 2 hrs on it and im gonna catch a midnight movie wif hon and choon how later yay!!! the coffin!!
aiya no kick la lol
good nite !

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