Monday, September 22, 2008

Check out our MCFLY Covers!!

haha these are just some videos we took using choon how's crappy phone, and he didnt bother to edit the video, so yeah please dont mind our 'before performance preparations'
haha please feel free to leave your comments. Thanks!

All About you

yeah the starting part was really stupid pleaseee just focus on the performance thanks...and the ending even worse.. CHOON HOW darn you!!

That Girl

Room on the 3rd floor

Friday, September 19, 2008

Post OF THE CENTURY!! not.

yooo crazy ppl out there!
Ever Since I sprained my ankle, i haven't been playing ball well atleast until today. So yea all i've been doin is cooping myself up in my room either gaming my head off or jamming.

Well Choon how, hon and I learnt a few new mcfly songs on the guitar and we'll post them on youtube soon!
Darn Jon wont be able to drum for the next few weeks atleast so there goes our jamming sessions for now haha. heh but jon is like superhuman sia the last time round he also recovered pretty fast, i hope God will rejuvenise him man.

The last 2 weeks have been dreadful as i said but It's been meaningful. I dunt wanna elaborate further for several reasons.
Well i wenta church as always hanging out with a 'church clique' so to say. Just had net today, lol it was kinda cool just fellowshipping with the youth. darn im gonna be old soon and i'll be missing these times. I'm Glad jon can actually walk now, but he'd better be careful man. Hope he kicks his old stubborn habits..
Apart from my church friends, i've also been mixing alot with my bball friends, they're quite a fun butch of peeps, always mocking the 'weak' haha.
I've been tutioning mark as well for the past 2 weeks, man he really gotta kick his habit of slacking on the bed while im tutioning. man the dude's always lerthargic when school work's involved. Normally I'd just punch him just to keep him awake. Always works=)

Man soorry no pics this week, my phone's screen is like cracking apart..

Bye guys g2g!

This proves that Horiscopes are rubbish!

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - fun Myspace quiz

EVerything here is bullshiat. of course other than the sexy part

Monday, September 1, 2008

Pictures of the dudes jamming!

haha 3 men band

yeah man check out this dude, he's like damn cool

Introducing the best drummer in the band, Jonny BOY!

Gavin! he's some sort of bass/guitar player

random fans attacking me

Jon in hyper cute mode!